Jack Astor's @ Yonge & Dundas (June 2013)
Canada's Wonderland July 2008
Harris Park, London, On Victoria Day long weekend 2008
Stopping for a kiss in the park Summer 2007
Canada's Wonderland with Deanna and I. July 2013
Shooting hoops to win me a prize @ Canada's Wonderland. June 2013
July 2013
The Bird that Jimmy so admired: The Bald Eagle
May 2008. Harris Park, London, ON
CNE with his Brother Jodi. September 2013. two crazies! one ride! LOL
Summer 2004
Family BBQ. August 2013
Fishing and apparent Model for Laker Lager. Spring 2010.
This is the not pleased with sunburn look! Albion Hills May 2013.
The very smile that captured my heart. Rock the park July 2012.
Deanna's Birthday @ Jack's Backyard and Patio. November 2009
Rock The Park REO Speedwagon and Boston concert. July 2012.
Having fun on the beach after a long bike ride. May 2004.
London Sun Fest June 2007.
Our favorite show. And this was us!
I will meet you on the other shore my love.
Side Selfie! July 2012.
Being wacky with the "selfie" July 2012.
I hold a piece of you in my heart forever.
And we brought you with us again the following year July 2014. Canada's Wonderland.
I brought you with me back to this pond exactly one year later and said a prayer for you my love.
You eventually won me my smurfette. You wouldn't give up till you won it. July 2013.
Thanks babeee! I couldn't believe you actually won it! LOL. July 2013.
The view on this ride was amazing! July 2013
Date night; Dinner and a movie. November 2009.
Throw back to Christmas 2005. Jimmy holding his niece Makayla.
Stopped for a coffee and selfie before we walked to Harris Park. May 2008.
A little Bocci ball wit tha bys. August 2013.
Concert Selfie. Rock the Park July 2012.
Havin a fine laugh @ Jack Astor's Richmond & Dundas patio. May 2013.
Dinner and conversation @ The Old Spegetti Factory on the Esplanade. May 2013.
Buddies. D & Jbob. May 2013.
Shopping trip on Yonge st. Stopped to admire this cool bike. March 2013.
The most beautiful man of my life. Can't get over how much you looks like your Dad in this one. 08
Jimmy's Buddy Silver.
And Grouchy Ol Buddy. God love him.
Jimmy's Neice Rylie's baptisim. Pic with the fam. November 2006.
Jimmy Loved animals, especially Dogs. August 2013.
Caught this beautiful shot in Harris Park before heading to the London Western Fair. Sept 2012.
What a fun day at Wonderland. Did so much walking. We were exhausted in this pic! July 2013.
Our first official date spot as a couple back in Oct. 2003. We thought a pic was in order. 06/2013
Toronto harbor front. Had our first date here. We came back here frequently over the years 06/2013
Jimmy & Andrea. Our first official selfie together on a long bike ride in Barrie. Spring 2004.
CNE. September 2013.
Your smile and your hilarity lit up my life. Heaven is blessed to have you my love. Aug. 2013
The Corn Dog selfie! two of us were completely burnt! LOL July 2013.
Our first trip to Niagara Falls. June 2004.
We loved it here. Didn't want to leave. 2004.
Showing some love. October 2009.
Goofin off at a friends house in the sticks! Thanksgiving 2009.
Chillen on a hot day at Port Stanley beach with a couple of friends. July 2009.
Canada's Wonderland July 2008.
Canada's Wonderland July 2008
He just had to and I just had to take a pic. Summer 2004.
Chillen up at his Buddy Darrell's before we headed out camping. May 2013.
Albion Hills. May 2013.
Giving the carousel horses nose a good pick! July 2013.
umm? Not sure whats going on here? LOL July 2013.
loved this man more then life! March 2008.
Jimmy & Andrea Barrie Beach selfie the first of many together. Spring/Summer 2004.
Jimmy & Brianna doing some gardening at his Sister Tina's house in Barrie. Spring/Summer 2004.
We had hard times. But one thing was always certain. We loved each other unconditionally. 2007.
My handsome Newf! March 2008
We were not sure who this person was but Jimmy looks pretty annoyed over the photobomb! lol
May 2008. Harris Park, London, ON